Bla. Can we just stop the madness? ✋? For real…staaaapppp it!

If you could see my face in this picture you would see the SHEER BLISS of this moment. My sweet husband climbed in a tree and hung this beautiful new yoga hammock he bought me for my birthday (that I’ve been DYING to have for months now!). My heart was exploding!
And I almost didn’t share this.
Well, perhaps you are like me and couldn’t help but fixate on the abandoned house next door, the less than clean yard, or the fresh-out-of-the-gym look I’m rocking.
Why is that?
Because you too have fallen victim to this thief of joy! We all have, and it has a name.
You know, the thing that you hide behind so people won’t see you for who you really are–the REAL you.
It’s there to filter your selfies, masking a deep rooted fear that you aren’t accepted & loved just the way you are. That you aren’t good enough, and have to add some polish.
It lingers in your conversations when you so badly just want the attention & affection of the other person.
It whispers in your ear that you don’t have what it takes to start ____________. (Insert dream!)
It’s smeared all over your posts when your heart is aching and you just need a bump of [fleeting] affirmation hidden in the number of likes.
Even though it’s built on a foundation of lies, it infects every aspect of our life until we can hardly recognize ourselves anymore.
You (and I) are WORTHY of authentic connection. It’s possible!! It’s beautiful…and it’s vulnerable. It’s messy. It’s scary. Sometimes it’s ugly.
But remember: You are FULLY known (blemishes and all), yet RADICALLY loved by God. Not just the good parts. He loves all of you. Read Psalm 139 if you haven’t in a while.
Let’s commit today to removing the masks of fear & pride that sell us the lie of perfection. A lie that robs us of our own BLISS.
What perfection masks are holding YOU captive? Think about it. Where do you have trouble just being yourself?
What will you do today to fight back?
Be bold in your confession!
Be fierce in your pursuit of joy!
Don’t allow fear & perfectionism to steal one more second of your precious life. ?
Let’s throw off and shatter the perfectionism mask. It’s time for people to get to know the real you.
Get free & stay free.
Reminder: You’re not alone! Reach out to me, your fellow recovering perfectionist, or anyone you feel safe to share with! Leave some comments below and encourage each other!