To the struggling Christian yoga teacher:

 Creating Your BREAKTHROUGH Year Starts NOW!

Are you ready to figure out and ACTUALLY TAKE your next steps as a yoga teacher? 

Enter your email and click the button below to be the FIRST to know when Next Steps opens up for enrollment!

    Whether you're a new teacher or you've been teaching for years, you may find yourself feeling stuck in your teacher practice and business. 

    If you're like other teachers we've worked with, you might find yourself feeling like you don't like where you're at, but you're not sure what to do to change it. 

    • Maybe you’ve had low attendance in your classes.
    • Maybe you're teaching too many classes for too little money.
    • Maybe you’re newer and you don’t have a class to fill.
    • Maybe you’ve created a business (or a job for yourself) that you don’t even like.
    • Or maybe things are ok, but you know they could be better, if you just had some help, direction, and accountability.

    Whatever the situation, you might feel the need to make a change, but you don’t like the options in front of you. Or maybe you don’t even see an option and you're on the verge of quitting.

    First off, THIS IS NORMAL!  Every yoga teacher I know has struggled at some point in their journey. But what sets the successful ones apart is that they just didn't quit! AND, they sought help. 

    That's where we come in! 

    Hear what some of our past clients have to say about working with us...

    Sarah Brown

    "After 3 years of teaching yoga and not seeing the growth in my business that I wanted, I knew that I needed someone to push me to the next level. After months of prayer, I felt the Lord clearly guide me towards Christian's Do Yoga's Next Step Program. I spontaneously signed up right before the cut off (not something I would normally do) and I'm so thankful I did! 
    Nick and Kristen have created a well-rounded program that challenged my mindset and helped me level up my business, class offerings, marketing and messaging. In the few months during and after I completed the program, I have doubled my class attendance and increased my revenue per class by 50%! 
    I have also begun to say yes to opportunities that normally I wouldn't have because of their coaching and confidence building. My average monthly revenue has now tripled! I am so thankful that the Lord answered my prayers for business growth and impact through Nick and Kristen! They are awesome, so sign up for this program! You will be so glad you did!"

    Amy Stevens

    After getting certified to teach, Amy was so paralyzed by overwhelm and fear that she DID NOTHING (didn't teach a class) for 6 months! After some mentorship and coaching with Kristen, Amy learned how to use Series and specialty offerings to grow her student base and design a teaching practice that she LOVED. Her practice has grown so much that she's now looking for a larger space!

    Misty Elliott

    Misty struggled for quite a while, offering only donation based classes. She was afraid to charge what she was worth, and only with the help of Kristen was she able to break free from the power of fear and THRIVE as a teacher! She grew so fast that she launched her own studio (and joined the CDY team)!

    Then through the pandemic and challenging health issues, she was forced to pivot multiple times. With the help of Kristen and Nick she was able to keep her doors open, and once again build a thriving teaching practice! 


    Jessica Ledgerwood

    Jessica was struggling with confidence, afraid to put herself out there and get up in front of people. She knew she was called to help people and bring this amazing gift to others, but she just couldn't get past the fear of failure.